Friday December 09, 2022

Int’l Anti-Corruption Day: PM Sharif Calls for End to Politics of Vendetta

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Friday emphasised the need for doing away with the practice of using corruption as a tool for political victimisation of opponents.

The premier’s messages comes as the International Anti-Corruption Day is being observed today. He regretted that the previous government put political opponents behind the bars on the basis of frivolous corruption allegations.

Terming corruption as a major national issue, PM Shehbaz said instead of merely using it for political sloganeering and point-scoring, serious efforts should be made to weed out it.

He said corruption was a major impediment to Pakistan’s progress, adding that it caused instability and destruction of the administrative structure.

The prime minister urged all political circles to prepare a clear roadmap to get rid of corruption. He said in light of Islamic principles, efforts should be made for strengthening the institutions to do away with the scourge.

The post Int’l Anti-Corruption Day: PM Sharif Calls for End to Politics of Vendetta appeared first on Karachi News.

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